Wednesday, January 5, 2011

You Gotta Serve Somebody

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does... (Ephesians 6:7-8)
Looking back at 2010 and accessing my successes and failures professionally is often times difficult, but rewarding.  As we are only three days into the new year at work, I am realizing that some of the funk I found myself in last year was only because of my poor attitude and failure to realize I was serving God even with my occupation.  Sure, I work for a sales driven organization, but when you are handling people's insurance and benefits, there are unlimited ways to let the light of Christ shine during regular working hours. 
Monday and Tuesday of this year has already started out different for me.  I have already been blessed with three different opportunities to really be of service and help people.  Was this what God was asking me to do last year and was I too stubborn to learn this valuable lesson sooner?  I'd have to admit I am indeed stubborn and often times God will patiently place me in situations that refine my faith and develop my character repeatedly, even when I don't learn the first, second, or third time(s).  
This year is going to be different and I know that I want to serve God more this year.  Living this way is the only way and it's what we are all created to do, regardless of our occupation.

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