Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Brain Is Like A Sieve

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.  (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Like most men, instead of taking the time to read instructions, I like to learn on the fly and I have found that when it comes to computers, gadgets, and other devices, I end up missing out on some of the cool features and functions these machines are capable of doing.  My good friend finally made the move from PC to Apple and I gladly spent a few hours helping him get up and running.  I honestly knew how to answer many of his questions, but I had to take the time to research some other features that I had no clue about.  After all of these years, I finally figured out how to sync my address books, calendars and email on my various home computers my iPhone/iPod(s) and my iPad. 
Unfortunately, I take a similar approach when it comes to reading the Bible.  I read enough to get by, but I am cheating myself out of what God's Word truly has to offer.  We need to take our time and invest it more in reading our Bible daily.  How much time do we spend reading other books and literature or watching television?  When we learn and discover all that God wants us to know, we equip ourselves with His knowledge and wisdom so that we too can live at peak performance! 

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