Thursday, January 20, 2011

We Are Family

But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. (1 Timothy 5:8)
One of the reasons I love my wife is that she has the wonderful tendency to keep me grounded as I often go to extremes.  For instance, a few months ago I  was determined to learn how to play the harmonica.  I was given some gift cards for my birthday and used them to purchase a new harp and some instructional books/cds.  My harmonica obsession was short lived as I abandoned playing after only a few short weeks and several failed attempts to become the next Magic Dick!  
As pressures are mounting on me to perform at work with a down economy and health care legislation, Alicia has also recently reminded me of what's most important in my life-my family.  For many people, myself included, the pursuit of success ends up costing more than most realize.  The tragedy is that many people place a higher value on their careers, personal fulfillment, and success than they do on their families.  
The above passage from Timothy is harsh, but true.  Sadly, many people will give up what's truly the most important in their endless pursuits and it's often too late when they realize what they have lost...

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