Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Old Neighborhood

Love your neighbor as yourself.  Matthew 22:39

Along my journey, I have been blessed with some wonderful neighbors in all of the various places I have lived.  Many of those neighbors have also become lifelong friends that I absolutely treasure.  It’s made it particularly hard to move to another part of town or different city/state.  The same holds true here in Knoxville and one of the most appealing parts of the neighborhood for our family are the people who make up our community.

Jesus said that loving your neighbor as yourself is the second greatest commandment, after loving God with all of your heart.  That must make neighborly love pretty important, right?

We all have a natural and fleshly instinct to look after ourselves first, but it's when we look to meet the needs of others like it's ourselves that we begin to fulfill Jesus' commandment.

This world is in desperate need of love and it just can't be overstated enough.  Love directed inward is useless, but love directed outward can help change this world, one person at a time!

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