Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Don't Worry, Be Happy?

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.  (1 Peter 5:6-7)
Wow! What an amazing week for the Auburn family!  Our team won a hard fought battle against a determined Oregon on Monday night to give the Auburn Tigers their 2nd ever national championship in school history!  On top of that, we had a few inches of snow here in Knoxville on Monday and Tuesday, so I was able to work from home and enjoy some much needed time with my family.  Reality and worry quickly set in after my managing director shared my production results from 2010 with me on Tuesday, however. 
I have said it before and will repeat it again, I am blessed in more ways than I can possibly begin to fathom.  Despite all of my blessings, I still feel like I failed miserably last year on the job.  Sure, I helped people and clients out and worked hard, but my production tells a different tale.  I have been given a great opportunity and responsibility and I just know that God has not brought me this far to let me fall flat on my face.  So why am I so worried?  I don't know; I can read and hear all the encouraging Scripture that the Bible has about worry, but when it comes to actually applying it, I struggle.  
We all worry about our position and status; it's human nature.  Peter advises us to all remember that God's recognition of our efforts counts much more than human praise.  God is able and willing to bless us according to His timing and that doesn't always happen the way we'd like it to.  We have to humbly follow and obey God despite our present circumstances and in his good time, we will be lifted up-in this life, or the next. 

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