Saturday, January 22, 2011

These Are The Days

Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
(Psalm 90:12)

I came back home yesterday to Alabama after my father called me to tell me that my mother was in the hospital. There was plenty of time for me to think and ponder life over the course of my four hour drive down from Knoxville. The reality of knowing that our days are numbered here on this earth weighed heavy on my heart.

Life is precious and from the second we take our first breath, we also get closer to the inevitable; death. Understanding that our time on earth is limited makes mecwant to make the most of this life I have been blessed with. Is our purpose here just waking up everyday, going to work and earning a living so I can retire at a decent age, etc? I believe it's much close are we to our Father? Are we diligent in seeking him? Are we reading his Word to discover his truths, or is it just another chore?
If we are to make the most of or lives, we simply can not do it on our own. Jesus is waiting with open arms to be with you every step of the rest of your life. Are you willing to walk with Him?

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