Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Man on the Corner

Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him.  "I am willing," he said.  "Be healed!" (Mark 1:41)
Elliott discovered my old Ghostbusters action figures recently and it brought to memory one of my favorite scenes from the 1984 comedy.  Rick Moranis' character, Louis Telly, gets chased down by what looks to be a demonic Rottweiler named," Zool, The Gatekeeper of Gozier."  Louis, desperately trying to escape his fate runs through Central Park in NYC and meets his demise outside the window of a "high society" restaurant.  The patrons look up, see Louis in distress, ignore him, and quickly go back to their conversations and dinner.
Have you ever seen someone in need on the side of the road and quickly turned the other cheek in hopes that you did not make eye contact with the needy person? Sure, we have all done it at some point in our lives.  I kept seeing the same man on my exit in the middle of a cold winter in Knoxville and finally opened my heart and took him to the nearest convince store to load him up with food and drink.  I additionally emptied out all of the cash/change I had in the car, which wasn't much, gave him a hug and told him that God loves him.  I was the one who was blessed that day, because he was so excited and grateful that he was going to enjoy a warm meal for a change.  
Compassion is deeply seated in our emotions and our hearts are truly touched when we feel true caring for someone in need.  Keep your heart open to let Christ's light shine on those in need; the blessing you receive in giving is far more greater than anything you could receive in return.

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