Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Working With Fire and Steel

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.  (Proverbs  27:17)

A great football/basketball coach will hire the very best assistant coaches and staff to ensure victories on the field/court.  A successful manager will hire the best support staff and to ensure success in business.  Some of the most influential people in my life are good friends and mentors that I can learn and gain wisdom from.

There is a mental sharpness that comes from being around good people.  A meeting of the minds can help people see their ideas from a different perspective, which helps refine them and shape them into brilliant insights.  This requires partners that will not only discuss ideas, but partners that challenge and stimulate thought.

People often make the mistake of attacking the thinker because of ego, but what is really needed are "friends" that will stimulate and attack the thoughts, resulting in sharper and more vibrant ideas.

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