Wednesday, October 6, 2010


"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." -Jesus (Matthew 21:22)

One of my favorite lines from the Lenny Kravitz song, 'Believe' is: "If you want it, you've got to believe.  Just put your faith in God and maybe you'll see..."  The question is, if God already knows your every thought, why do we need to petition God by our prayers?

The main reason we need to pray is to recognize our needs.  Of course, Jesus is not just handing us over a blank check with our prayer requests.  The stronger our belief, the more our needs will be in accordance with God's will.

When we come to God on our knees, the closer we become to Him and it's at that point that our needs surface.  Once we acknowledge our dependence on God, the more our needs will be met.

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