Saturday, October 9, 2010

Whenever I Call You "Friend"

A friend loves at all times.  (Proverbs 17:17)

A good friend of mine just got back from a business trip out of the country and upon his return, we hung out and had a great was much needed after a stressful week at work.  Another close friend always makes a point to call me daily and we end up talking about everything from SEC football to cheesy music from the 70s and 80s, which always puts me in a great mood, despite whatever is going on in my day.

A good friend has a positive impact on you because they bring out the best in you.  You can always be more productive, have more enthusiasm and an elevated energy level when you know you are loved.  A good friend also can be a voice of reason and can encourage you when you face challenges in life.

Don't take your friends for granted; they are in your life for a reason and a blessing from God!

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