Monday, October 11, 2010

The Dead Heart

The lamp of the Lord searches the spirit of a man; it searches out his inmost being...All a man's ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs the heart.  (Proverbs 20:27, 21:2)

Have you ever looked back on a difficult or "bad" experience and given God praises that it happened?  Or, like many people, do you look back on something difficult and still hold on to the feelings of pain and anger and find yourself becoming bitter and jaded?  Too many people that I know are holding onto a great amount of hurt and their negative attitude permeates their very being.  My wife, Alicia, is the greatest judge of my attitude.  She will gladly let me know if she feels that I appear to be glum or have a sour attitude.

People can find an excuse for doing almost anything, but God looks behind the excuses and looks into the true motives of our heart.  Joyfulness is a state of being that you simply cannot fake!  True joy comes from having a relationship with Christ that gives us security knowing that we can trust Him, no matter what.  Bitterness and anger are also impossible to mask; holding onto those feelings for too long will eventually cause a great deal of turmoil in your life, one relationship at a time.

Life is too short to be so negative; let go and let God!!!

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