Friday, October 8, 2010

Can't Buy Me Love

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it." -Jesus (Luke 9:23-24)

Have you ever wanted something so bad that you were willing to even over-pay for it?  A few months ago, I was one of the 1,500 people that lined up outside the Apple store to purchase an iPhone 4 on the day of release.  Even though I was able to purchase a new iPhone for both me and my wife, I probably would have paid a fortune to someone on Craig's List or eBay if they had sold out.  Apple did sell out and some of the websites were selling the new iPhone 4 for a hefty sum of $1,500 the first week and eager Apple junkies paid the price.

Why is it that we pay top dollar for the material things we value but when it comes to following Christ, we aren't always willing to make the commitment that He asks His followers to make?  Jesus asks His followers to do three things: deny themselves, take up our crosses, and follow Him.  Anything less is superficial lip service.

Look for ways to give your best for Christ today.  There are opportunities all around us to bring glory to His name.

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