Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fight The Good Fight

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  (2 Timothy 4:6-7)
I received a call from a good friend yesterday afternoon who was updating me with the latest breaking news in the Cam Newton investigation.  The NCAA ruled Auburn QB, Cam Newton, eligible to play football in the upcoming SEC Championship stating that he had no knowledge of his father's attempt to solicit cash for his commitment to play at Mississippi State.  For the Auburn family, this was the breaking news we all had hoped to hear and many people breathed a deep sigh of relief.  Auburn's miraculous season has been dogged and overshadowed about rumors of his recruitment at Mississippi State University and it's taken away much of the joy we should be enjoying about being 12-0, playing USCe for a chance to play in the BCS Title game in January. 
When Cam hit the field in Tuscaloosa for the Iron Bowl on Friday, the Alabama student section threw handfuls of fake cash at Cam Newton while Steve Miller Band's "Take The Money and Run" blasted over the speakers at Bryant-Denney Stadium.  The media has had a field day with this story and Cam Newton's character has been attacked endlessly in the news and on sports talk radio across the country. 
I cannot imagine being scrutinized by the media in the age of Facebook, Twitter, and the Blogosphere like Cam Newton has been.  It's been a true test of his character to hold his composure and to face some of their toughest rivals in UGA and Bama.  Cam stayed strong despite the rumor mill and daily reports of his wrongdoing and is headed to Atlanta this week to play in the SEC Championship game.  
As a believer, it's easy for me to find inspiration in this story and as a Christian we must all stand firm, even when we are being attacked.  Fight the good fight and finish the race, while keeping your faith.

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