Thursday, December 30, 2010

Break My Stride

The Lord directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in every detail of their lives.  Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.  (Psalm 37:23-24)

Looking back on the past year, there are some areas of my life I feel I improved on; others I still need to work on in the upcoming new year.  Learning how to deal with failure has been a struggle for me.

We are not to let failure get us down; it happens to all of us at some point in our lives and if dealt with accordingly, it can be used as a way to grow and mature.  I remember at summer camp trying to ride a horse for the first time...I kept falling off, but was so determined to learn to ride that I kept getting back in the saddle until I was successful.  The same should hold true for us today.

Most importantly, we are to never attempt to go it alone.  We can't give up on our relationship with God either.  As we quickly near the beginning of the new year, let go of your past mistakes and failures and look forward.  God is always with us and wants the very best for each of us, so make a new year's commitment to open your heart to Him, believe, and trust more!!!

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