Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Future

The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?  (Proverbs 20:24)

I came to a realization of how wise my wife was today as I took down all of our Christmas decorations-taking everything down is not near as fun as decorating, and my wife has been far away from the house during the past five years that I have taken the decorations down.  Some people leave everything up until the new year, some never, but I like to have everything back to normal and put away a few days after Christmas.

I had particular trouble removing two strands of lights from the Christmas tree today and couldn't find the pattern that Alicia had used light the tree.  Frustrated, I began to yank and pull until every pine needle had fallen all over the floor of our house.  Had I taken the time to pay closer attention to how the lights were hung in the tree, I could have saved myself some time and anger.

God reveals just enough of the future to increase our dependence on Him.  Only God knows what tomorrow holds for us, and to follow His will for our lives, we must learn to rely on Him and not our own understanding.  Faith is trusting Him and not only listening to yourself.  This is the essence of faith in a God who loves us and wants the best for our lives!

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