Sunday, December 26, 2010

Time (Clock of the Heart)

When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.  (Romans 5:6)

As noted by one of our associate pastors during the Christmas Eve service at Cokesbury West, there is something about this Christmas season that makes people a little nicer.  People are also more generous during Christmas and most people are simply thankful.

God's people had been longing for a Savior for centuries before Christ was born in a manger, and God sent Him at just the right time.  We may never fully understand how or why this was the perfect timing until we get to heaven, but we know it went all according to God's plan.

Jesus was sent to live among us and to save every one of us and you can rest assured it was at a time when the most people, present and future, would be reached with the Good News of salvation! Glory to God in the highest!

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