Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Anniversary

You, Lord, are good and ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.  (Psalm 86:5)

It was five years ago today that I stood at the alter and married the woman of my dreams.  A lot has changed for us over the course of our marriage.  We have both been through career changes, we have moved three times (once to a different state), and have been blessed with two wonderful children.  There have been many highs and lows, and while the good times certainly outweigh the bad ones, I have grown closer to Alicia and have come to truly appreciate her companionship and friendship through the years.

One of the biggest keys to success for us has been to keep Christ in the center of our relationship.  Sure, there have been times that neither one of us have been great reflections of Him, but in the grand scheme, we have both leaned on Him and come to rely on His support in our marriage.

When you have a relationship with Christ, you start taking on His characteristics.  It's God who loves us and forgives each of us and saves us by His grace, even when we don't deserve it.  When God forgives, He forgives completely.  When God restores, He restores completely.  And what God loves, He loves completely.

I thank Him for all that He has done, all He is doing and all He will do for me!  I also thank my wife for having the patience and kindness to love me when I know that it's hard to!!!

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