Monday, November 15, 2010


Giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.  If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.  (Psalm 50:23)

This past week I had the honor of taking part in a "Man on the Street" video shoot for my church's upcoming Thanksgiving service.  My assignment was to find several people in downtown Knoxville and ask them what they are thankful for and what it means to express gratitude.  One of the ladies I interviewed said something before the cameras began to roll that caught my attention.  She mentioned that she was listing one thing that she was thankful for each day on facebook for the month of November.  What a great idea...

If you start to be thankful, your attitude changes for the positive as you recognize all of the blessings and provisions God gives us.  The gratitude also keeps you focused on everything God is doing for you instead of the things you lack.

We should take the time to count our blessings and give thanks to God every day!

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