Friday, November 5, 2010

Don't Stop Believin'

"Everything is possible for him who believes." -Jesus "I do believe; help me overcome my belief!" (Mark 9:23-24)

Just like most people, my faith can sometimes falter and it's normally my disbelief that is the root cause.  I like to rationalize things through in my mind; it's impossible because faith often requires us to defy our human reasoning.  Look at the obvious for believers-we believe in a God that loved us enough to come to the earth and live a sinless, spotless and blameless life which He selflessly gave up for us on a cross to save us from certain death.  Sounds a little far-fetched, right?  It's called faith-believing in someone that we know exists, but cannot be seen.

When our faith wavers, we miss out on all of the joy and blessings that God has in store for us.  We must turn to God and ask Him to strengthen our faith when we feel it is weak.  Jesus didn't mean that anything is possible if we believe, because nothing is too difficult for God to accomplish.

If you feel your disbelief and doubt is causing you to miss out on all of the blessings God has promised, ask Him to help you believe.

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