Thursday, September 9, 2010


Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and alert. (Ephesians 6:18)

I can always tell the difference in my day when I have neglected to start my day with prayer.  Some mornings, as hard as I try, I lose my focus and my short-spanned attention locks in on all of the static and noise in my life.  No wonder it's easy to miss God's gentle voice.

We are always in the midst of Spiritual warfare and the key to success during wartime is communication.  The key to a successful marriage is communication.  The key to success in any business is, you guessed it, communication.  I really could go on and on...

If communication is so important why do we often neglect to communicate with our Creator?  Trying to do things on our own without communicating with God is almost like jumping out of an airplane with out a parachute.

We need to pray often, pray hard and pray for everything.  MC Hammer said it best-"we need to pray just to make it today!"

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