Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Don't Give Up

Then the Lord said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh and say to him, "This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews says: " Let my people go, so that they may worship me."  (Exodus 9:1)

Have you ever had a hard time being honest with someone because you knew that it was going to be difficult?  I just recently faced a similar situation with a close friend of mine who has just taken a job that I don't feel is a good choice of a career.  My fear is that when the honeymoon is over on the new job, my friend will finally realize that this may not be what he is being called to do.  I reluctantly kept trying to avoid the subject all together during our most recent conversation, but finally mustered enough courage to gently speak my mind about the new job and shared my honest opinion.  (Of course, I could be wrong after all, but I would hope that my friendship is strong enough for someone to share their opinion with me if they felt I was making a mistake.)

Think of how difficult it must have been for Moses to have to approach Pharaoh for the fifth time demanding to let his people go.  The message in this passage is to not give up on doing what is right.  God doesn't always speak to us in grand ways; often times it is a very quiet voice that you have to listen for.  When He places the truth in your heart, trust Him enough to share with the people He has placed in your life.  Like Moses eventually learned, persistence is rewarded.

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