Monday, September 13, 2010


Without faith it is impossible to please God.  (Hebrews 11:6)

Our Life Group just started a new study entitled "Five Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith" by Andy Stanley.  One of the questions asked during discussion was to name someone who has strong faith.  Being perfectly honest with myself,  I have faith, but I admit that I am not someone who always displays a "strong" faith.

A subtle way that we rebel against our faith is when we become frustrated or discouraged with God when our prayers aren't answered according to our timeline. We grow impatient because we have to wait for God's perfect timing. When we do this, we base our decisions on evidence instead of trusting God's wisdom and believing His promises.

We have to become comfortable with God and learn to TRUST Him.  When we trust Him, it enriches our relationship with Him.  Trust His word and let God be God.  Faith is believing in what we do not see, but in doing so, we will surely please Him!

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