Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just The Way You Are

God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God and God in him.  (1 John 4:16)

So much of our life is based on performance.  At work, it really doesn't matter how much of a likable of a guy I am if I am not able to sell employee benefits; I am expected to perform.  Many of our favorite athletes are expected to perform or they will lose their spot on the team.  A team is expected to win or a coach will lose their job.  I think you get the point I am attempting to make....

Thankfully, there is nothing that we can possibly do or achieve to earn a better status with God.  He does not love us based upon our performance.  He simply loves us because He created us.  Here's an even deeper thought: He created you knowing you would be unique and turn out exactly like you have and yet He would send His Son down to die for you just the same...all because He loves you.

God is good and it's great to be loved!!!

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