Monday, February 28, 2011

Just Between You and Me

Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away.  (Acts 3:19)

Our pastor made mention of John Wesley, the founder of the United Methodist Church, during yesterday's sermon.  He said that the earliest members of the UMC used to meet at each other's houses for what were called town meetings.  Each one of those meetings began with each member sharing a list of their committed sins with one another.  Could you imagine starting out the work week openly sharing all of your sins and shortcomings with your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors?  I know I'd probably think twice about some of the petty and selfish things I do....

Honestly, one of the first steps of repentance is confession of our sins.  You must be humbly honest with God in addition to being sincere and sorry for your actions.  Genuine repentance also requires a heart that is willing to accept change.

Repentance brings forgiveness, which ultimately restores your relationship with the Father.  God removes your guilt and lovingly heals your brokenness while restoring your joy.

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