Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feeling Gravity's Pull

Do not fret!  That only leads to trouble!  (Psalm 37:8)
Several years ago, my old doctor asked me during a regular check-up if I experienced "high, highs" and "low, lows."  When I answered "yes," he quickly offered to write a script for an anti-depression/anti-anxiety prescription.  I graciously declined as something did not feel right about it at all; ups and downs in life seem normal to me and just something that all people experience.  An unsettling fact is that over 5 Million Americans are prescribed some sort of anti-anxiety medication each year.  
In many cases, anxiety medication is a necessity, but I can't help but think that many people are overprescribed in our country and simply do not need to take anything at all.  You see, concern is productive and often times, motivates us to take action.  Anxiety is the polar opposite-it is counterproductive and paralyzes us from doing anything at all.  Concern is positive while anxiety is negative and keeps one stuck in the present.  
I would be a liar if I said I never experience any form of anxiousness in my life.  The big difference and point that I would like to make is that concern, unlike anxiety, leads us to make decisions.  Decisions such as learning to trust in God, choosing to seek His will, and choosing to follow Him where He is leading us.

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