Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Call On Me

Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
We had a another great and tiring weekend.  After spending some much needed quality time with the children, running errands, visiting with friends, helping with the audio/video set up at church, hosting Life Group, and spending time outdoors, I was officially worn out on Monday morning as I began the new work week.  Weekends aren't always so busy for us; usually it's the weekdays that are chock-full of long hours at work and an "all hands on deck" approach to parenthood that tend to wear me out.
Through the Cross, God has made Himself available to us at ALL times.  Jesus invites us to come into the presence of God to find the grace, mercy, and peace that we so desperately need.  We need no middle-man to speak to God either; it's as simple as getting on our knees to pray.  God is always there and ready to listen to your inner most groaning and moaning.
God loves you and is available to you whenever you need Him...

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