Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prince of Peace

God is not the author of confusion but of peace.  (1 Corinthians 14:33)
Our youngest son, Elijah, just recently reached his 6 month milestone.  It's interesting the similarities he shares with his older brother and at the same time is vastly different.  Elijah seems to be our big eater whereas Elliott barely eats enough food to sustain life.   In fact Elijah is such a great baby that he only cries to let us know he is uncomfortable or to remind us that he is hungry.  He sleeps solid as well, Elliott will wake up at the sound of a pin dropping.  I had the late night duty last night and picked Elijah up to rock him back to sleep.  He was so peaceful, secure, and trusting of me while I held him in my arms that it made me realize what God expects of us.
I am a firm believer that to attain peace, we too must also trust God completely, like a child in his/her parents' arms.  If a stranger tried to pick up Elijah and rock him back to sleep, chances are he would become very fussy and agitated and would cry anxiously.  
The same principle applies to us as well.  If we do not trust God or even have the slightest doubts in our mind, we too will be anxious and nervous.  Learn to trust Him with the faith of a child...He is good and is trustworthy.

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