Friday, February 18, 2011


The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations.  (Psalm 33:11)

Elliott often tells me that when he grows up he is going to be a race car driver.  Of course, he has also mentioned becoming Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Green Lantern and The Flash as possible super-hero occupations.  As adults we still plot out our future; when we will go here and there, how much we will earn, how well our favorite team will finish for the season, when we will retire, etc.

The good news about the future is that the God that is in control today is also fully in control of the future.  In fact, He already knows and is prepared for what happens to us tomorrow.  He is steadfast in providing us what we need each and every day, today,and tomorrow.

No matter what problem you will face in the future, He has already anticipated the problems and has set into motion everything required to resolve these problems!  Praise His Holy name!

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