Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can't Nobody Hold Me Down

To be spiritually minded is life and peace.  (Romans 8:6)
A common misconception of Believers is that we are isolated from what's going on in the world around us.  For instance, I was recently talking to a family member that has chronic bouts of depression and was trying to lift her spirits with words of encouragement.  No matter what I said, there was always another excuse and much of the conversation was dominated by her "woe is me" talk.  She wouldn't hear anything I said as it pertained to my faith. 
The truth is that followers of Christ experience disappointment and hurt just like everyone else.  We also face temptations on a regular basis. The biggest difference is that when our peace is disrupted with havoc and chaos, we don't stay down for long.
Believers are filled with the Spirit, so we are able to refocus our attention on the bigger picture and acknowledge the truth that our peace comes from God.

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