"No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." -Jesus (Luke 9:62)
We heard a great sermon this past Sunday at Cokesbury on being significant instead of just being successful. This really got me thinking about my life; what am I doing to be significant? Am I making a difference? I am sure that this comes with age and children, but I actually started thinking about this a while back. It was about the time that my family moved to Knoxville that I felt I was given a great opportunity to serve the Lord more passionately.
Jesus' words from Luke are 'hard-hitting." In the passage above, Jesus was describing to His disciples the cost of following Him. There are many reasons or excuses we can come up with when it comes to giving 100% of themselves for following Him. Some people have family ties, some hardships, and some just simply are afraid. It's when you come to the realization that it's all about Jesus that you begin to understand the true difference between success and significance.
Our days our numbered and while success is great; it is only temporary. If you really want to make a difference, fix your eyes on Him and allow Him to permeate every thought, attitude, and choice you make...then you will be significant!
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