The Lord commanded us to observe all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good always. (Deuteronomy 6:24)
I had a very difficult conversation with a family member earlier this week in regards to trusting God and allowing him to take the lead. You see, God is not some magical genie that you call on only when you need something. I used the analogy of someone praying to be successful financially; if you pray that prayer, great, but it will never be answered if it is not in accordance to His will and if you are not willing to give your best effort. (Trust me, I know...)
The same principal holds true when we pray; you must also wait patiently to hear His often soft voice speaking into your life. Too many times, we grow impatient and make our prayer requests and follow our own selfish desires because we want instant action.
God made us, so He knows what's going on deep inside of us, including our drives, limitations, fears and weaknesses. His commandments are our blueprint to live the lives He desires for us to live. If you aren't willing to follow His commandments, who are are you following? You have to look at them as more than just a set of rules; they are His operating instructions that if followed, will open up the flood gate of blessings that He so desires to give us.
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