Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Wrong Way

But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" And God said, "I will be with you."  (Exodus 3:11-12)
Despite some difficult obstacles I have faced in my lifetime, the words "I can't" are no longer in my vocabulary.  I struggled with my weight for many years. I went off to college and partied like a rock star, ate like a pig and in sheer laziness, didn't exercise for about 6 years.  By the time I miraculously graduated from Auburn University, I weighed 225 lbs. which is grossly obese for my tall 5'5" frame.  After having a "spiritual awakening" and feeling downright miserable, I slowly but surely began to exercise again.  It was difficult, painful, and embarrassing at first.  I could barely walk up my driveway without being winded.  As I progressed, and the weight began to fall off, I made a commitment that I was going to work out everyday if I felt good enough to get out of my bed.  11 years later, I now run 8-9 miles per day with a goal of running 3,000 miles in 2011.  I am not writing this to brag or boast, but simply to encourage anyone who reads these daily devotions to believe that there is no limit to what you can do or accomplish knowing that God is with you. 
Moses found himself doubting that he could accomplish what God had specifically asked him to do-free his people, the Israelites, from slavery in Egypt.  God responded to his doubts and fears with a simple answer, "I will be with you." 
What a relief knowing that God, the creator of all life, is with each of us, ALL the time.  There is nothing that should ever cause us fear knowing that He will be with us always.... Praise His Holy name!

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