Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Update on Elijah

I just wanted to let everyone know that Elijah's Pediatrician at Children's Hospital confirmed that his EEG results did not show any signs of further seizure activity! This is certainly the best possible news we could have received and we are blessed to have such a beautiful and healthy baby boy.

The Neurologist will determine when he will be released from the hospital (hopefully tomorrow or Thursday)and we can finally welcome Elijah to his new home!!

I simply can not find the words to express how grateful we are for all of the kind thoughts and prayers from everyone; we are humbled and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and we are truly blessed to have so many wonderful friends!!

Times like these help you begin to truly understand how awesome God is. A week ago, I was upset about something trivial that happened at work; I was somewhat anxious about becoming a father again, health care reform, you name it-I was pretty stressed.  

When our world was turned upside down on Sunday and they transported Elijah in an ambulance to the NICU at Children's, Alicia and I had no other choice but to trust Him and let Him carry us through. It was heartbreaking to leave Parkwest without Elijah, but there was not a moment in the past several days that we did not feel God's love, grace and peace. 

God is good all the time, all the time, God is good!!!

Much love,

Will, Alicia, Elliott and Elijah        

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