Tuesday, August 17, 2010

God's Love

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. (Jeremiah 31:3)

"The ambulance has been sent from Children's Hospital and should be here soon to pick up your son."  A little more than a week ago, those words absolutely crushed me and my wife on the day we were certain that we were coming home with our newborn son.  We were scared, disappointed, and confused; it felt like we were riding in the front seat on the emotional roller-coaster from hell.

Where was God during all of this?  Why did this happen to us?  Will our son be all right?  I can say this with the utmost confidence-there was never a second that I doubted God's love or presence and we felt His peace from the second we walked in the door at Parkwest Hospital until we finally brought Elijah home from Children's Hospital several days later.

A person who accepts God's love experiences a deep satisfaction that no matter what happens, God is present.  In this life we are guaranteed difficulties, but God will NEVER leave our side.  He is always present, He always forgives and He always loves us! Praise His Holy name!!

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