Monday, March 21, 2011


Since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude He had, and be ready to suffer, too.  For if you have suffered physically for Christ, you have finished with sin.  (1 Peter 4:1)

It has been almost two weeks since I last used smokeless tobacco.  If I am perfectly honest, there have been several moments that I felt weak and desperately wanted to reach for the metal tin can in the console of my car.  I am proud to say that I have resisted the temptation so far, and writing about it helps hold me accountable to my goal of quitting.

Have you ever been asked to do something or set out to achieve something but felt like giving up?  I know have before and there are things that I still regret I unfortunately never completed.  When God calls us to a task, we should especially not give up.  Not only would you miss the blessing of finishing and reaching your goal, but not trusting God's promise may result in some sort of loving discipline from Him as well.

Just because God wants or asks you to do something does not mean that it will be easy.  The more important the task, the higher degree of difficulty it will often become.  Don't give up when the going gets tough.  Keep moving forward in faith; God is good to His people and will always answer the call to help!

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