Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Best

Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God.  (Romans 5:1)
Growing up, my little sister was blessed with all of the athletic ability and I was the family artist. Leslie was the MVP on the women's basketball team the year Springwood School won the AISA State Championship, I won first place in the in the district art show.  Leslie excelled in just about any sport she played and I had to work my tail off to be second in state in men's doubles. I did take my artwork somewhat seriously and was never happy with my final sketches, drawings, and paintings.  You see, I strived for perfection.  My sister was the same way, but it was in whatever sport she was playing.  Much of that mentality has stayed with me throughout the years.  In my career, marriage, etc.
The fact of the matter is that striving for perfection is useless.  You may be asking, "what should I do, just give up?" Absolutely not.  You should never give up on trying your very best.  I am referring to trying to live a flawless and perfect life.  It just isn't possible.  Trying to live an error-free life on your own strength is unfathomable.  You will simply run yourself ragged trying to achieve the impossible.  Asking for God's help and strength-anything is possible and the sky is the limit.
Trust your life to the One who was and is perfect, holy, and good! 

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