Saturday, June 22, 2024


God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  Therefore submit to God.  James 4: 6-7

Our sons are both growing up too fast; Elliott just turned 17 earlier this month and Elijah will be 14 in August, but along with all of the fun, they are both capable of also showing child-like attitudes at any given moment. I feel like a ‘broken record’ at times, reminding them to brush their teeth every morning and evening, asking them not to clean up trash in their rooms, etc. My personal favorite is rounding the boys up for their sporting events, which was virtually every week night during the school year.   Almost every lacrosse and basketball game/practice of the season and it's like these two don't know that they need their uniforms, cleats, gloves, catch my drift. Despite our many efforts to stay on them, they are both stubborn and usually don't yield to what Alicia and I ask of them. 
The same principle holds true in our relationship with the Holy Spirit.  If a drowning man thinks he can help himself, he becomes dangerous to anyone who attempts to rescue him.  Until we surrender to God and give him full authority to reign supreme in our lives, we are not in any position to be helped either.  We may not realize it, but when we aren't following his lead, we are listening to ourselves and being disobedient.

To truly follow God, we must make his will our own and it starts by surrendering our own will!

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