Thursday, June 30, 2011

You Enjoy Myself

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all you lands!  Serve the Lord with gladness!  Come before His presence with singing!  (Psalm 100:1-2)

We are all blessed to be on our very own journeys during our lifetimes, but I don’t think that many of us are actually enjoying the ride!  When I draw my final breath, I don’t want to look back on my life and regret not living every day to its fullest.  Being a follower of Christ is not always easy, but we should always take the time to enjoy ourselves along the way. 

We are each called to complete certain tasks and fulfill God’s will for our lives, but they should never come at the expense of serving God without joy and gladness.  Like the apostle Paul, we should remain focused on finishing the race, but we should do it with joy.   

No matter what you have been called to do or where you are going or despite your present circumstances, enjoy the journey you are on.  We can’t take for granted a single moment that the Lord has blessed us with and the time we have been given on this earth!   

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