Saturday, June 4, 2011

I Just Called To Say "I Love You"

Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.  (Psalm 63:7)

I normally make most of my personal phone calls to family and friends on the way into the office after dropping the boys off at school in the mornings. Thursday morning, all AT&T customers lost 3G service from about 9am until noon.  Instead of just settling for listening to music, I put the iPhone down and said a prayer.  Albeit a short one, it changed the outlook of my entire day and left me wondering why I don't make more time to talk to God through prayer more often.  Sure, I say my prayers in the mornings, in the evenings, and before meals, but why not when I have spare time like riding around in the car? 

You see there is never a time that we are ever 'cut off' from God, so we have unlimited access to Him through prayer-24/7.  It could be while you are in the kitchen preparing a meal, at work, in the car, in the bathroom-anywhere and everywhere.  Having this access to our loving Father is a privilege that we all take for granted. 

It's pretty cool that we don't have to follow a certain protocol or say specific words, He just wants to hear from us, plainly and simply put.  

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