Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Balance

The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.  All the ways of a man are clean in his own sight, but the Lord weighs the motives.  Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.  (Proverbs 16:1-3)

Coming off of a nice relaxing weekend in the mountains with Alicia and without the children, I was reminded of how important it is to spend quality time alone with your spouse.  Sure we missed the boys, but we were able to enjoy doing some adult things like hiking and going out on a dinner date that would have not been nearly as enjoyable had both boys been with us.

Finding the right  balance in life always proves to be more difficult than it sounds.  For us to live up to our true potential and follow the plans God has made for us, we must seek to achieve balance in our lives. 

Our first priority should always be to seek the Lord each and every day, though prayer, reading of the Word and worshiping on a regular basis.  I know too many people that consider Sunday their day of rest and will make up any excuse to not go to church.  I look forward to going each week and feel like something is off if I am out of town or miss a service. 

Our next priority should be to spend time with our family and friends.  Married couples with children should always make time for each other.  A strong marriage will work wonders with your children…

Our careers and jobs are certainly important, but we must learn to prioritize our time at work and not become consumed by it.  God wants us to lead productive lives, but not at the expense of neglecting every relationship we have including our relationship with Him. 

Lastly, we should make every effort to take care of our bodies with proper nutrition and exercise and the most underrated activity-rest.   Exercise is vital to relieve stress and will help you find peace, not to mention strengthening your body so that you can fulfill God’s purpose for your life.

Seek God on how to manage each area of your life and allow Him control of your schedule; once your priorities are in proper order you will be on the way to becoming a better servant of the Lord. 

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