Saturday, June 4, 2011


Be strong and of good courage.  Dread not and fear not; be not dismayed.  (1 Chronicles 22:13)

Today is a big day for several people we love and are close to, so I offer these words of encouragement.  From experience, there have been moments in my life that I dreaded or feared the worst outcome and my entire outlook and attitude was impacted in a negative way.  

As believers, we can live with positive attitudes knowing that God loves us, created us, and promises each of us eternal life and salvation.  Satan enjoys making us live with dread and fear as if God's promises aren't true.  

God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Tim 1:7) and since He did not give us fear, you know He did not give us dread either.  God always goes ahead and makes a path for us.  The next time something seems daunting or unpleasant, trust that your loving Father has gone before you to make a way for you and refuse to live in fear!!

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