Saturday, May 28, 2011

You've Got A Friend

He who loves God must love his brother also.  (1 John 4:21)
As summer nears, I can't help but reminisce about the fun I used to have with all of my college buddies attending endless concerts and festivals all over the country.  Granted, this part of my life was certainly different than it is now; I had no responsibilities, no family, and wasn't exactly in church, either.  Regardless, I was growing up, I was wild and foolish and my past experiences have shaped me into the man that I am today.
It was actually post graduation from Auburn before I truly accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior and when I did, it created a divide among my circle of friends.  The same people that I ran with for so long didn't seem to want to have anything to do with me once I became a "Holy-Roller" and a "Jesus Freak."  Truth be known, I am still the same wild, foolish, and fun-loving guy that enjoys concerts and festivals, I just also love Jesus.   
Even though we all are different human beings with differing perspectives, ideals and views of this world, we should all be able to live in peace with one another.  Despite our differences, we should be loyal in our friendships, which allows us to disagree with each other, yet remain committed to a long-term relationship with each other. 

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