Thursday, May 19, 2011

Like A Rock

Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble.  (Psalm 119:165)

I went back home to Alabama to visit my family yesterday and while home, I enjoyed reminiscing about the past.  Of course, my past was not exactly upright nor was I very obedient to what I knew was written in God's Word.  Things have certainly changed for me.  I try to spend time in prayer daily, read my Bible, and apply the Word of God to my life.

If we are not allowing God's Word to persuade us, influence our thinking, and impact our behavior, then what are we allowing??  You will constantly have the influence of what other people say to weigh against the written Word of God. Anything that does not line up with God's Word should be dismissed.

God's Word is the living standard by which we all should follow.

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