Saturday, May 14, 2011

High and Mighty

With God's help we will do mighty things.  (Psalm 60:12)
Have you ever felt consumed and overwhelmed by your problems?  I know I have and I am not alone.  Just this week alone, I can identify with people in my circle of friends who are struggling in their marriage, another that's facing a difficulty at work, another who has had to move their family into a hotel room for the next few weeks because of all the storm damage to their home, and another who is struggling with raising their children.  While all of these are serious and difficult problems to face, we sometimes forget that none of them are larger than our God.
In fact, there are no set of circumstances, difficulties, trials, or tribulations that are larger than our Loving Father.  Try not to look at the size of your problem, but at the size of your awesome God.  We have an awesome and loving God that is always willing to listen and help us accomplish the impossible!

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