Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Arms of My Savior

Those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them.  (John 6:37)

We let Elliott stay up a little later past his bedtime on Friday night, and he was fit to be tied at bedtime.  After throwing one of his "classic" temper tantrums for Alicia, I finally went upstairs to help settle him down for the evening.  As soon as I walked into the room, Elliott screamed "I don't want you, I want MOMMY!"  This hurt my feelings a little, but a few minutes later, I was back in his good graces.  This little incident made me wonder how many times have I rejected God in my lifetime...

Thankfully, God accepts everyone who comes to Him in faith, even those who previously rejected Him.  We can always approach God knowing that He will make time for us and will always listen to us.  In fact, He is always dependable, always loves us and is always there for us.  

God never turns away from us and we can learn how to accept others that may be difficult for us to accept in His loving arms.  

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