Saturday, February 18, 2012


In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall.  2 Samuel 22:30

Every day presents a new set of challenges…this week was certainly no exception.  Without divulging any specific details, Alicia and I found ourselves in a very difficult situation that we both sought God’s direction with. Not all challenges are bad.  In fact, I enjoy challenges at work as they continually help me and my production team to improve and perform better.  Challenges at home can be difficult, especially when dealing with children, but again they help gain wisdom and insight as a parent.  

Regardless of our marital status, children, or careers,  we will always face tough situations, difficult people, or subtle temptations.  Challenges keep us from getting too comfortable or too accepting of the status quo, forcing us into uncharted waters.  Without God’s lead, this would be frightening, but with God it can also be a glorious adventure. 

No matter what challenge you may be facing, make sure God is at your side!

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