Monday, February 6, 2012

No Compassion

The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.  Psalm 103:13

In an effort to share the message we heard at Cokesbury's West campus with readers of this Blog, Jason Gattis shared a powerful message about acting out our faith in our everyday lives.  Too many believers praise God at church on Sundays and then act as if God doesn't exist by the way they live out their lives.  

God shows his compassion to each of us be caring for us, providing for us, blessing us, and last but certainly not least, loving each of us.  When we become 'doers' of the Word, we fear and obey God and he forgives our sins, which restores our relationship with him.  

When we obey God, it brings us to place of closer intimacy in our relationship with him which in turn allows us to extend mercy, grace, tenderness, and compassion to others! 

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