Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Those who fear the Lord are secure; He will be a refuge for their children.  Proverbs 14:26

Our youngest son, Elijah, had his 2 year wellness visit at the doctor's office last week.  He has been pretty healthy this year, but it was not too long ago that  he was in and out of daycare due to sickness which caused Alicia and I to take time off of work to be at home with him.  Looking back, it was and still is pretty stressful for us to miss work and balance time at home with sick children.  We are all promised difficulties during the course of our journey and the above passage from Proverbs is one to remember during those difficult times…

You see, when you strengthen your faith with the truths of God's Word every new morning, you build a solid foundation that will not easily crack under pressure. 

When the troubles of life come your way, the attacks may come close to knocking you down, but a strong foundation will keep you on your feet because God's truths are eternal.

Stand firm and solid like a rock on a foundation that comes from trusting and fearing God!

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