Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Always Something There To Remind Me

You go before me and follow me.  You place your hand of blessing on my head...I can never escape from your Spirit!  I can never get away from your presence! Psalm 139:5-7

The more I am in tune with my surroundings, the more I am aware of God's presence which is always around me.  It could be the majestic beauty from the rays of the morning sun or a cool breeze on a clear night, but God is always around us.

God's Word promises that when we have a relationship with God, His presence is always around us, all the time!  When you believe this promise, you begin to see the events in your life as evidence of His presence in your life.

When you are aware of His presence, you experience His never-ending love for you and receive His many blessings!

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