Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mind Games

Let us who live in the light be clear hearted, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as out helmet the confidence of our salvation.  1 Thessalonians 5:8

I have been running on a regular basis for the past six years.  It was not until 2009 that I ran my first half marathon in Knoxville, and I can say that one of the biggest obstacles to excellent performance is mental, not physical.  I was so tired nearing the end of the race, but went into a 'mental zone' that helped me push through the pain and finish the 13.1 miles in my fastest time ever.  By no means am writing to brag or boast about my abilities; I am simply a mediocre athlete at best, and only run every day so that I can eat what I enjoy. 

However, the running analogy is certainly similar to our lives.  Our confidence doesn't come from our abilities or physical circumstances, how we look, or what we achieve.  Everything actually comes from our faith-the blessed assurance that God is always with us, every second of every day, fighting for us and helping us win our battles.

I am constantly looking for ways to live in more confidence knowing that God is a part of my life every day.

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